Making lives better, one child at a time.
We help children throughout San Diego County achieve their greatest potential.
At SmallTalk, our therapists are dedicated to helping your child thrive. Our personalized approach blends therapy and fun for an experience you and your child will look forward to. At locations across San Diego County, SmallTalk provides a variety of pediatric therapy options that produce measurable results.
Let’s get to know each other.
Our personal approach sets SmallTalk apart. Our sessions perfectly blend fun and focus, while our therapists make meaningful connections with kids to guide development.

Developmental Checklist
You know your child best—you know their strengths and weakness, and you may have concerns about their progress. Select the age range below to determine if your child could benefit from an evaluation.
Speech and Language
- Follows sounds with his or her eyes
- Laughs and babbles when excited or happy
- Understands some common words (mama/dada, milk, night-night)
- Makes sounds or gestures to get attention
- Expresses feelings (fear of strangers, excitement for familiar people)
Occupational Therapy
- Transfers objects hand to hand across midline
- Releases toy to give to you or put into a container
- Sits independently may support with hands, reaches for a toy in sitting
- Crawls or pulls forward when on belly
- Plays 2-3 minutes with a single toy
- Tolerates a range of different textured food
- Holds a bottle or cup independently
- Moves the tongue around in their mouth
- Feeds self small crackers or other small pieces of food
- Uses a munching pattern to chew
Speech and Language
- Has 1 or 2 words (hi, dog, dada, mama)
- Imitates some speech sounds
- Waves hi and bye
- Plays simple games (peekaboo)
- Understands no (pauses briefly or stops when you say it)
Occupational Therapy
- Place a block on top in imitation, may not balance them
- Pulling to stand, cruising furniture
- Imitates tool use, may make a mark when scribbling, imitates brushing hair
- Removes socks
- Repeats same play actions, like peek a boo or putting toy in container
- Can use a straw
- Uses lips to remove food from spoon
- Tongue lateralization, uses tongue well to move food from side to side
- Improved biting
- Imitates adult eating
Speech and Language
- Vocabulary of 25 words, pronunciation is often unclear
- Asks for common foods by name
- Begins to use pronouns, such as “mine”
- Starting to combine words, such as “more milk”
- Participates in verbal turn taking
Occupational Therapy
- Imitates vertical lines
- Tolerates diaper changes and cooperates with dressing
- Walks up steps using railing
- Spontaneously scribbles with a crayon, uses a fisted grasp
- Distinguishes between edible and non edible objects (18 months)
- Uses a rotary chew
- Can feed self with a spoon
- Starts using a spoon though may be uncontrolled
Speech and Language
- Puts two words together for most communication (more cookie, mommy up, go car) Shows daily routines in play (bath time, taking dolls to store)
- Notices when others are hurt or upset
- Points to things that an adult names
- Points to at least 2 body parts when asked
Occupational Therapy
- Laces large beads
- Stacks 2-4 blocks
- Jumps in place, gets both feet off the ground
- Matches 2 shapes
- Pushes, winds, slides to activate and use toys
- Chews with jaw movements in all directions up/down,around, and side to side
- Drinks from an open cup swallowing well
- Starts to use fork to spear food
- Scoops with a spoon
- Shows clear likes and dislikes of some foods
Speech and Language
- Knows some spatial concepts, such as “in” or “on”
- Knows pronouns, such as “you,” “me” or “her”
- Knows descriptive words, such as “big” or “happy”
- Uses 3-word sentences
- Speech is understood by others about 75% of the time
Occupational Therapy
- Throws and catches a large ball
- Removes pull-on clothing
- Copies simple block designs, circle, lines and cross
- Puts on socks, simple shoes
- Balances on one foot briefly
- At 4 years
- Cuts around shapes
- Draws a 4 part person
- Can run, hop, jump and climb well
- Brushes teeth independently
- Washes face and hands
- Eats the same foods as the rest of the family
- Uses utensils well
- Wipes own mouth and hands
- Can serve self food and pour liquid into a cup
- Independently eats at 36 months
Speech and Language
- Answers simple who, what, where and why questions
- Talks about activities at daycare, preschool or friend’s homes
- Speaks easily without having to repeat syllables or words
- Uses sentences with 4 or more words
- Speech is understood by others about 95-100% of the time
Occupational Therapy
- Cuts around shapes
- Draws a 4 part person
- Can run, hop, jump and climb well
- Brushes teeth independently
- Washes face and hands
Speech and Language
- Uses adult grammar/ sentence structure
- Tells stories that stay on topic and have at least 2 event and more details
- Shows fantasy schemes in play and tells simple jokes
- Starts to understand perspective taking
- Follows rules or takes turns when playing games with other children
Occupational Therapy
- Copies, prints first name
- Can cut food with butter knife, spreads with a knife
- Can skip on alternating feet and jump rope
- Can ride a bike without training wheels
- Bathes self
SmallTalk of the town
The latest news and helpful views.

Educational | February 27, 2025
Tips For How to Use Books to Target Speech and Language Goals

Educational | January 30, 2025
What Are Primitive Reflexes and What is Their Impact?

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SmallTalk therapists are your partners in achieving the best life for your child — learn how we’re with you every step of the way.

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